When the Rebel Alliance began to lose territory to Fallen, they approached the Empire to form an alliance of their own against Fallen. Suffering from several more defeats, the Empire neared total collapse. However, the envoys were killed upon arrival, making it apparent that Fallen wished to combat not only the Rebel Alliance but the Empire as well. Sending envoys to broker an alliance with Fallen and his forces, the Empire hoped to use them in a last ditch effort to turn the war around. Nearing its defeat, the Empire was saved by the arrival of Fallen and his massive fleet. Due to growing unrest and an exodus of systems from the Empire, the Rebel Alliance eventually gained the upper hand. Throughout the war, the Empire struck several victories, but also suffered defeats that crippled its war effort. The following battles between the two sides came to be known as the Galactic Rebellion. However, after increase pressure due to several large scale attacks, the Empire officially declared the Rebel Alliance as a threat.

At first, the Empire downplayed the Rebel Alliance. Unrest grew until the formation of the Rebel Alliances, also known as the Rebellion, like-minded individuals that opposed the Empire. For the next several years, the Emperor ruled with power and fear over the galaxy. As the Clone Wars ended, Palpatine effectively abolished the Republic and formed the Galactic Empire, with him serving as the galaxy's emperor.